A Noi, Zaza!

Act I. Card   #2093

While this is not the first card in the series, it is iconic to the opera, with both Zaza (Rosina Storchio, soprano) and Cascart (Mario Sammarco, baritone) in high spirits. He wears evening dress with a flower in his buttonhole and his tophat in his right hand ready to spring open. He wears silk hose and the most elegant of shoes with bows on them. She wears a wonderful gown complete with train, as well as a spectacular headdress for her act on the stage, long opera gloves.

Beautifully photographed and printed in monochrome, the drop in the background is one we will see again.

The musical phrase is Cascart's line "A noi, Zazà!" ("To us, Zazà!) and the quote below the photo is from the song that Zazà sings:

"Un bacin... giù in giardin?
È peccar - no'l vo' far!"

and Cascart responds:

"Perchè no? - il lo vo!
Cedi, orsù - vieni giù?"
You can hear this on a Victor recording sung by Geraldine Farrar and Giovanni Martinelli (1921) here.

In this version on the bottom is written:
2093 Alterocca Terni (fot. Varischi Artico e C. Milano)

The postmark on the back is from Palermo, June 3, 1903, with a 2 centissimi stamp. The address seems to read: "Nobilissimo Giuseppino Battaglia," via "L'attarini 9, Città"(i.e. downtown Palermo). Many of the cards in this collection come from Signor Battaglia.